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Friday, December 28, 2012

Holidays & Cheat Days...


Its inevitable!

The first day, you can turn down the sweet detectibles that punctuate the holidays.


But after a while, you give in.
Now one has two choices:
1. Totally give up and ignore the fitness goals you'd set beforehand...


2. Have a bit of indulgence, but sweat it out later in the gym...

Right now, I'm somewhere in the middle. I gifted myself two days of nothingness for Christmas.

So since I think of working out as work, I don't generally do so when I'm off.


But after splurging most of the holiday season, I have still been working out on most mornings before work. I WANT to say I will sentence myself to Insanity for the next month to make up for my indiscretions and to carve out those areas on my body that I wish to tone up for my trip in February.


I am happy to say that I am 5 pounds lighter than when I started and can tell it in my clothes.

There are some areas that I still want to work on, but that will come with time.


To keep myself honest, I may still do weekly reports...The Good, Bad, & Ugly of life-long fitness...un-huh!

Turquoise Earrings & Ring: Charlotte Russe & Target!
Isn't' it freaky when you find identical jewelry at different stores?!  
Bag: Kenneth Cole via
Blazer: Marshall's
Chanteuse Button-Down: Old navy
Pewter Belt: New York & Company
Flare Jeans: Old Navy
Pewter Sparkly-Toe Flats: Forever 21





  1. Love the flats!! That blazer is awesome! The colors in this outfit really pop too!

    The holidays are such a crazy time, and I chose to not stress myself out about them. I ate what I felt was appropriate (which was a little more than I should have), and worked out on my normal schedule. I will now go back to my decreased portions and no juice or pop lifestyle. And I have chosen to NOT weigh myself until mid January.

    Keep up the great work!!

  2. And it has been paiying off! I just read your BLOG!

  3. Cute bag, I need a bag like that too

    Also, I recently launched my eyewear line, Enerjiee , I'd appreciate it if you check it out!

    Confessions Of A City Girl

    1. Got it from when everything on the site was on sale! They have it in red too...I will mke sure to check out your eye swag!

  4. wow i am loving the aesthetics of this blog :) I am so following your blog. I hope you can check out my site: and join. So, we can keep up to date with each others. Thanks for your time. Hope to see you joining...God Bless!

    Steven :)
