Sunday, November 6, 2011

I did thing #7...

Ok, I have a confession to make.
I cheated!
I shopped this weekend.
But in my defense, I got some GOOD deals!
Here are some looks I tried!


Cute huh?
I used the advice from a new blog I discovered and used coupons to get more money off item's I already purchased last weekend.
My mom and financial advisor probably would have liked to hear that I saved the money, but I found some items that were on my mental list for a while and snatched them up.
I'm not ashamed, but I KNOW I've got to commit to not shopping going forward.
With that being said, I did cross one of the things off my list.
1. Go to Bay Area Fellowship for Church
2. Go to the S.S. Lexington, Art Museum, Aquarium and Botanical Gardens
3. Go see a movie alone
4. Take a mini Staycation to Houston or San Antonio and engage in their nightlife
5. Go to a night club alone
6. Go to at least 3 events going on in town
7. Eat at a restaurant on the Bayfront
8. Go to the "Island"
9. Document my Happenings on my Blog...[Duh!]
The restaurant was not on the Bayfront, but I did have a meal alone.
This was my companion.


at 1/2 off for Happy Hour, it kept me good company.
The experience was quite liberating.


There was a group that was LOUD sitting nearby, but they kept things interesting...I guess. be  early 20's young....
I also got my hair done this weekend as well.


I loved it so much I had my stylist use my camera phone to take pictures.


I was quite shy with someone on the other end of the lens for a change, lol...



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